Well gosh, thanks SO much for explaining compound growth and the stock market. You young whippersnappers are sure smart. Hm, what happens if, I dunno, after you retire, the stock market tanks and there goes 20% of the portfolio you spent decades saving? That’s what happened to some of my slightly older friends after 2008.
Here’s some information from a senior: not everyone has a job paying enough that they can save $10k a year. I certainly didn’t until the last decade (in my 50s), and even that was interrupted by a lay off. I have been saving since I was 30, and have a lot of money put away in IRAs, way more than most Americans do. But I have to hope there isn’t another stock market “adjustment”. You seem to think you have it “all figured out” but you are depending on the vagaries of legalized gambling (sorry, I meant the stock market).