I've been living alone for 30 years. I can't imagine moving into some stranger's home (I rent) and having that work out. Face it, we do get set in our ways. I maybe could live with one of my friends of decades, but they are married and have adult children and grandkids visiting.
What happens if you manage to find a couple of strangers to go in on a home, and one (or you) becomes disabled? Or they stop paying rent/mortgage? Or they become demented or start believing in QAnon conspiracies? For me, I can't envision this as a realistic option. And I'm known to make casual friends pretty easily. But not to share a home with 24/7.
The concept of having your own small place with a communal dining facility and some other shared space sounds great. The places I've read about cost big bucks to buy into. If you don't have a home to sell and aren't well off, these aren't accessible.
My two cents.