I found a nearby counseling practice, where I paid out of pocket. I saw counselors-in-training, and paid a modest $85 a session. But when the training finished, I had to switch counselors as I could not afford $125 a session.
So I had to tell my story all over again and form a bond.
The final counselor I had also "graduated" and her rate went up to $150. When I emailed her about being grandfathered in at the old rate, she made a comment to the effect that after "working so hard" to get to this status, she was "finally" being paid what she deserved.
Um, gosh, I spent 4 years getting a PhD, and by the time I was seeing her, I'd been working 30 years, and I NEVER got $150 an hour salary, let alone $85. (Yes, I know they don't see 7 patients a day every day, but still…) That was the end of my time with the practice. I tired of having to start from ground zero over and over again, and I resented what felt to me like whining about "only" billing at $85 an hour as if this was a burden.