I definitely agree that limiting news watching is good for one's mental health, but not for the reasons you give. For me, I can't handle the blood pressure rise when yet another MSM report frames the story as "both sides" and deflecting attention from how the billionaires have a death grip on our country.
However, I have to push back on your idea that inflation doesn't matter, because everything goes up over time.
Quoting Pew Research Center: "In 2018, the real average wage (that is, the wage after accounting for inflation) has about the same purchasing power it did 40 years ago. And what wage gains there have been have mostly flowed to the highest-paid tier of workers."
Since Social Security benefits are tied to one's wages over a working life, this means that those benefits do not meaningfully keep up with inflation. Considering that most of a retiree's spending is on utilities, food, and medical care, none of which are included in the COLA adjustment, I'd say that inflation IS a genuine concern, especially for retirees living mostly on Social Security benefits.
Sure, you could just decide not to worry about inflation, but to suggest, as you seem to do, that the reason not to worry is that "it's no big deal" because it wasn't for you, seems somewhat cavalier. In my opinion.