I decided to retire "early" about 5 years ago. This November will be two years since I did, at age 65. I actually left a job that earlier in my career I would've considered a pinnacle: a senior designer at a nationally known public media company. Largest salary I'd ever commanded. Good corporate culture. I was doing work that would help classroom teachers and parents.
Yet I realized that given family genetics, my decent "healthspan" was shrinking and I wanted to do things that met my personal goals, not throw myself into meeting the goals of others. Perhaps the pandemic helped push me over the edge.
I was always known for being deeply committed to my job, thinking about problems on weekends and defining myself by my job. But several instances of being fired or laid off made me realize that loyalty is a one-way street in America in the 21st century.
I pursue my art, joined a fiber group, do some volunteering, and got totally into, yes, pickleball, for both physical and mental health. I write at least 4 stories a month for Medium. And I can no longer imagine going back to a job that controls my schedule.
I just got a confirmation on my bad genetics last month, so that further confirms I made a good choice.