Hi Anthony, nice idea to take something of interest to many designers and use it to get them excited about mastering auto-layout. I'm wondering, though, if it might lead to practical problems: I may be mistaken, but I don't think you can export this resume to a pdf that is machine readable (for the ATS).
I wrote a detailed piece on designer resumés in the age of ATS that you might find illuminating. https://chrisaraymond.medium.com/surviving-first-hr-contact-graphical-resumes-in-the-age-of-ai-53e9d22738f8
Key take-aways:
1. ATS software has a hard time correctly parsing columns of content.
2. The best approach, in my opinion, is not two different resumés, one for the software and one for the human, but one well designed, well writen, single-column resumé that relies on sound typographic hierarchy and judicious use of color accents.